The child is 3 years old


Child development at 3 years

At the age of three, the child overcomes a peculiar psychological frontier: he leaves the nursery age and becomes a preschooler. He has confidence in himself and his strengths, perseverance, quick wit, stubbornness is manifested. He knows a lot: he knows a few small poems, retells simple tales, speaks with simple and complex sentences, knows his name and surname, home address, sequentially names the parts of the day and seasons, distinguishes between the left and right hands. In speech, he correctly uses pronouns and prepositions.

He quickly collects simple pictures, a pyramid. He knows 5-6 colors, the main parts of the body, distinguishes 2-3 flowers, wood, summarizes groups of objects - utensils, furniture, clothes. Finds both similar and different objects from each other.

Childcare at 3 years old

The kid actively moves throughout the apartment, playing, spends a lot of time on the floor. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning and carefully ventilate the room. The child is fixed as previously acquired hygiene skills - washing hands, combing hair, and new ones are grafted. A baby handkerchief must be in the pocket of the baby, so that, if necessary, he can use it.

His clothes should be clean and ironed. If the child gets dirty, you must immediately change clothes. He should know that you can’t walk in soiled clothes, so he will get used to be careful. For children, it is advisable to purchase clothes only from natural fabrics. Especially, which is in contact with the body so that it does not cause scuffs and irritation. Baby homes should be worn in soft, comfortable flannel or knitwear.

At three years old, you can show the baby how to use a toothbrush, in which direction to drive it in the teeth. It is not necessary to apply paste to the brush, as not all children have learned to rinse their mouths properly. It is enough that the child simply understands that the teeth require cleansing in the morning and evening. Let him develop a daily ritual.

Child nutrition at 3 years

From the age of three, the baby can eat almost all foods, with the exception of very greasy and spicy. From this time on, the child gradually moves to the common table; for him, they are less often preparing food separately. To diversify the menu, it can be given in small quantities meat, vegetables, canned fish, smoked meats, salinity, nuts and seeds.

Viscous and liquid cereals are replaced by drier and friable ones. Why two parts of the water put one part of the cereal. To make the porridge especially tasty, it must be flavored with a piece of butter. The child must necessarily receive the necessary amount of not only carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but also vitamins. In the summer, he needs to make salads daily from raw vegetables - carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes. Salads are seasoned with sour cream or oil and sprinkled with greens, parsley, celery, dill, green onions.

In hot times, hot meat first courses should be alternated with cold vegetarian - okroshka, beetroot. Which season with bread kvass, kefir, whey. For snacks, instead of cookies and sweets, you can make healthy sandwiches: grease a slice of black bread with vegetable oil, add a little salt and sprinkle with finely chopped green or onion. Or grease a slice of black bread with a sweet curd mass or with a thick layer of ordinary cottage cheese sprinkled with sugar.

From hot drinks, you can offer your baby black or green tea. It is too early to introduce natural coffee; it is replaced with a coffee drink brewed in milk. No more than twice a week, the baby is given cocoa with milk.

3 day regimen

The mode of the day of the child is a schedule of actions - feeding, playing, walking, sleeping, which alternate in a certain order and after a certain period of time. The established schedule helps the baby to feel comfortable throughout the day. His body, tuned to a harmonious rhythm, will itself require a meal or rest at one time. The child will not need to be put to bed for a long time or forced to eat. Well rested and well-fed, the baby will always be in a good mood. Will be active, inquisitive, energetic. In order not to disrupt the rhythm, deviations from the time set in the daily routine should not exceed 30 minutes.

The need to stay outdoors is approximately 4 hours. This time is divided into two or three walks. Do not miss out on fresh air if it rains outside. It is enough to put on rubber boots, a raincoat and take an umbrella.

Games and entertainment at the age of three no longer necessarily take place under the guidance of an adult. A child can occupy himself, collecting a constructor, a mosaic, drawing, or playing. So the baby shows independence, and the mother has some more free time. Of course, it is necessary to control the child by periodically entering the room and checking what he is doing.

Meals should always take place at the same time, the interval between which is about four hours. At the age of three, the child already knows that it is necessary to wash the pens before eating. You can bring him to help to set the table. Let it spread out spoons, forks, bread, napkins.

Lessons with a child at 3 years (how to develop)

In order for a child to develop in many ways, adult help is needed. Therefore, if the baby does not attend kindergarten, you need to deal with it at home. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of speech. Walking, show and say what the species of different trees are called, pay attention to what shape their leaves are, how parts of a tree are called. Boys can show and name the brand and color of passing cars. Tell what parts they consist of. Ask your child questions, encourage communication, and come up with rhymes for words together.

It is important to develop large and fine motor skills. For large motor skills, games with pins or a ball are useful - tossing it, throwing it, throwing at the target. To develop fine motor skills, you need to sculpt from soft plasticine, salt dough, sort out cereals, beans, sort buttons or beads by color and shape, draw straight lines, round circles, ovals. Finger games are very useful when an adult reads verses (for example, “Let's visit,” “Pies,” “Vegetables”), and the kids knock on the table with their fists, clap their hands, stretch out their hands, and play with their fingers.

You can introduce the child to the account, subtraction and addition. First, they start with a simple one: they explain what the concept of “one” means, what “a lot” or “a little” means. They tell what shape objects are - round, square, rectangular. Examples from life are shown - the wheel is round, the stool is square, etc. Soon, the child himself will find objects of the desired shape.

Games and toys for children at 3 years old

Children of any age love ball games. In the arsenal, it is better to have several balls of different diameters. You can play with the child, alternately kicking the ball with the foot or throwing it from hand to hand. To train the coordination of movement, start with the largest ball, gradually moving to small balls. The child will be interested if other children from the yard join in the game. Together they can play not only the ball, but also hide and seek or catch-up.

Modern cartoons on TV or DVD, this is certainly good. But it will be even better if you still have old filmstrips and a projector. Children are very fond of watching such home cartoons on the wall or a white sheet. There is a certain amount of mystery and mystery in this process. Especially the old Soviet cartoons are interesting and very kind. It is important for the child that there are mom or dad nearby, who at this moment look like good wizards.

At three years old, children have quite a lot of toys. These are dolls and cars and a set of "hospital" or a young hairdresser. You can tell them how to distribute roles in the game. For example, a doctor-patient, hairdresser-client, taxi driver-passenger. The child will be able to try himself in different professions, will acquire various skills in these games.

A three-year-old child must have puzzles and other educational toys - designers, kaleidoscopes, mosaics, cubes. With their help, logic, fantasy, spatial and creative thinking develops easily and naturally.

Medical observation at 3 years old

If the child does not have health problems, then his visits to doctors are limited to a routine examination before vaccinations. If the baby is preparing to enter kindergarten, he will need to undergo an in-depth medical examination. He is examined by an otolaryngologist, optometrist, neurologist, orthopedic surgeon, dermatologist and dentist. According to indications, a cardiologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, TB specialist and other specialists are added. In kindergarten, a psychologist or teacher additionally talks with the child. At the age of three, the child is necessarily shown a speech therapist. If the baby has problems with speech, pronunciation, or does not speak, the doctor will prescribe him individual lessons. Do not ignore them, literally in two or three months you will notice significant changes. Perhaps your child will be advised to attend a special kindergarten with a speech therapy bias, where they study with children in more depth. This is not a sentence; one should not be shy or afraid of it. The sooner you begin to engage with your child, the more substantial and quick results you can achieve. Correcting speech defects in 3 years is much easier than in 7 when he goes to school.

Useful Tips for Parents

At three years old, the children are very curious, they are literally interested in everything. Do not put out this spark, be sure to maintain curiosity and direct it in the right direction, expand its horizons. Do not dismiss him, talk with him, answer questions, learn new verses, letters, syllables, numbers. Otherwise, his interest will fade away, which will be very difficult to renew later. If the child has a desire, you can introduce him to reading or counting skills, try to learn foreign words.

Continue to develop your child’s speech. Communicate with him, discuss read books, watched cartoons. Let the baby learn to reason logically. True, it is difficult for some children to do this, because they have a poor vocabulary. Help him, read books, memorize poems. Communicating with him, do not lisp, but talk like a big one. The child must understand that he is no longer a baby. Explain to him that he is big, and in controversial situations should not cry or be capricious, but be prepared for compromises.


Gauhar 12.12.2016
My child will soon be three years old and not that he does not know the poems, but cannot name his name. We did not teach him this. This is all training. For me, it’s much more important to keep a child's passion for knowledge. When not on a silver platter they bring everything, but he himself is interested. This quality is useful in life much more than causing emotion to retell tales in three years. At the same time, there are children who began to speak much later and later showed outstanding results in their studies and other achievements. I know such examples personally. Not worth all under one comb of revenge. Children are different - some rush about tirelessly, others look thoughtfully out the window. Equality is convenient for merchants of goods and services, but for harmonious development it is harmful.

Nyusha 05/08/2016
This site helps us to develop, before that neither eat nor cook nor clean //


Watch the video: Three Year Old Child Development Stages & Milestones. Help Me Grow MN (June 2024).