What dreams the sea in a dream


In real life, the sea gives a sense of freedom, inspiration and joy. The view of the azure turquoise smoothing captivates the eyes and soothes the psyche, relaxes and helps to forget about the problems.

There are many interpretations of why people of different ages and both sexes dream of this miracle of nature.

Of course, what this dream promises depends on the state in which this reservoir was in a dream, on the color of the water, on what you did in the dream, on the gender of the person who dreamed of such a dream.

Dreamed the sea what does it mean

  • In the dream book sea ​​water symbolizes the infinity of human existence and its unconsciousness.
  • Dreaming sea usually to the fact that life will soon come to a time when much will depend not on its own human powers, but rather on external ones.
  • If a the sea is calm and clear - this is a good sign promising joy and knowledge of the essence of life.
  • Troubled waters they promise an inner conflict with oneself, which may be detrimental to the sleeper.
  • Dreamed tidal bore with calm measured waves read calm life, spiritual development.
  • Lots of sea ​​foam - a sign of negative events.
  • Surging water over which moon, makes its way between the clouds, promises adverse events in the fate of man. If it is quiet with a moonlit path and a clear sky, then this promises peace and happiness.

What dreams of the sea in a dream for a woman

See this beautiful wonder of nature for girls / women often a symbol of her family or love relationship.

See sea ​​in a dream for a woman pure transparent means to be completely satisfied with the relationship with your man in every sense.

If a dolphins dream of a woman - the dream book explains this by the fact that in real life she lacks new sexual sensations.

Swim woman in dirty and raging water - to ailments and scandals or any other events that could spoil its reputation.

If you dream of dolphins and sharks in the sea

  • If you dreamed that whales and dolphins swim in the water - this is a very good sign.
  • Swim with a dolphin - A new, loyal friend will appear very soon or someone close to you will help you.
  • Dolphins dream as an indicator of good health, the possibility of an interesting meeting or to be promoted at work.
  • To see a dolphin in a dream for a woman - a symbol of female attractiveness.
  • But if in a dream dream of shark - this is not a good sign. For those who during the rest swim among sharks, the dream book promises dangers that the sleeper creates for himself.

Swim and swim in the sea in a dream what does it mean

When a man dreamed that he swims in the sea, the dream book promises for him only good events in life.

If dreaming swim in the seaThis means that the sleeper will help his friend in the near future and together they will be able to overcome difficulties.

When dreamed swim in the sea under waterIt means that in real life there will be an opportunity to acquire previously inaccessible knowledge, but this is not a very positive sign, since this knowledge does not bring anything good for the sleeper.

The sea with big waves

If you see big waves in a dreamIn this situation, the dream book promises to be in the unpleasant cycle of various events.

For those who watched both the shore is rolling waveswhich sweep away everything in the way, dream book prophesies a possible quarrel in the family.

See the tsunami - It means to have a very active social life. If you dreamed that man suffered from such a wave, the dream book warns that some life experiences or shocks will negatively affect your life.

What dreams of a clear transparent blue sea

Azure, clear and clean water in this reservoir, as a rule, dreams of those who have a lot of pure and bright thoughts in their heads.

For those, who swims in itt, the dream book soon prophesies incredible luck and great luck.

Dream of a sea storm

See the raging sea - a negative sign, promising losses, problems and failures.

If dark waterthen a person will probably soon fall out with someone and will experience many negative emotions.

Cold water in a dream, dreams of the sleeper’s good, good health, while warm - to the disease.

Watch rain during a storm - a sign that soon the sleeper is overtaken by negative emotions and experiences: melancholy, loneliness, pain, disappointment.

Rain storm personifies dissatisfaction with life and position in society.

What dreams of rest and the beach

When dream beach holidayin a clean and well-kept place is a symbol of the fact that calm and serene times in life are coming and there will be no need to make any serious decisions, because everything will be done in your favor.

If dreaming ship at sea, floating without any obstacles, then we can expect something pleasant, various positive changes.

In case of sleeping many ships had a dream - it promises him a possible promotion.

Appearance of the sail in the dream promises auspicious events. If he not filled with windIt means that there is not yet time for the accomplishment of the case you have planned, and the dream book advises to postpone this idea for a period.

If a dreamed a sail filled with windthen, on the contrary, one should not miss the appropriate case, since during this period everything will develop as you plan.

Drown in the sea in a dream what is it

If dreamed, as you were drowning, but saved - all sorts of problems and concerns existing in reality will pass.

If a sleeping rescued other people, when he was drowning, he was lucky to have a reliable friend in real life.

When in a dream drown in clear or clear water - this dream book is always interpreted as a good sign, promising a lot of positive emotions in reality.

Dive into the sea water and at the same time understand that you are drowning - a sign that in real life, the sleeper is unable to cope with his emotions and feelings.


Watch the video: What does ocean dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).