The meaning of the name Madina: what does the name mean, what character gives it? The origin and history of the name Madina, the fate of its owner


A person’s name is his business card, which determines his character and good fortune. What does the name Madina mean, what hidden meaning does it carry in itself? We will talk about this below.

The meaning of the name Madina

Madina is an Arabian city that has a long history. The origin and history of the name Madina has several versions. One version of the name is its identity with the name of the city of Madinat-en-Nabi, which is located in Medina. This city is considered the cradle of the prophet Mohamed, has a sacred meaning, and therefore the name Madina is revered in Muslim countries.

The origin and history of the name Madina also has Greek roots, according to which it is translated as "giving power." According to this historical theory, the name was formed on behalf of Madeline, who has Greek roots.

There is also another historical theory of the origin of the name - it may come from Magdalena, which is mentioned in the Gospel. It, in turn, went from the name of the settlement on Lake Galilee-Magdala.

There is also an English version of the origin of the name Madina. What does the name Madina mean in this version? "Lucky, lucky," as it comes from the male name Maden. The zodiac sign characteristic of Madina is Leo. Her name day falls on the twenty-sixth of March, the thirteenth of October, the thirteenth of December.

The character and fate of Madina

The meaning of the name Madina determines her main character traits. This name is controlled by a unit, this is a number that is characteristic of active and purposeful people who are used to achieving a goal by any means. She is always the first to solve complex problems, she is not afraid of the difficulties that have fallen on her, they betray her confidence in their own abilities and in the ability to always come to the aid of friends.

Unfortunately, in planning, the girl is inferior to her business colleagues, this is not her vocation - to lead financial matters. Therefore, she should not enter into competition in this industry. She often makes rather impulsive decisions and simply moves ahead, therefore, she is not advised to take up negotiations herself, because she is terrible in anger and can rush to break firewood.

Since Madina is quite executive, her superiors should not worry about whether orders will be executed. They will not only be implemented, but also rechecked. She quickly picks up new types of work and is easy to learn. It can have several higher educations and know several languages, but as a leader it will not take place, because it does not have flexibility in character.

It’s easier for her to do everything herself than to shift the solution of her problems to someone else’s shoulders. The character and fate of Madina is largely dependent on her, since the girl is not particularly keen to change something in herself, she will quickly distance herself from those around her so as not to correspond to their stereotypes. In adolescence, he can simply run away from home and not regret it a bit.

Madina's Career and Business

Thanks to her self-confidence and determination, Madina has been a leader since childhood, but such qualities of character are hardly good for a true lady. Moreover, she is very talented, everything that she undertakes is perfect for her. At school, she achieves tremendous success, as she works tirelessly.

The best type of profession for her will be a creative profession. She needs to combine active work with outdoor activities. She is more impressed with the men's company, she does not like gossip. Men's sports will also appeal to her. She often causes envy and jealousy with her independence and individuality.

Her straightforwardness plays a cruel joke with her, but in the field of advertising, PR, television and journalism, she will ideally take place as an expert, thanks to her stiff character qualities. She loves noisy parties, but huge groups oppress her, so it’s easier for her to close in her studio and draw pictures, compose poems.

Madina's love, family

Madina chooses strong and independent men to match herself. She takes a long look at the man before entering into a relationship with him. He likes to flirt and can even go on a spa romance. Most of all he loves handsome and handsome men.

If she has already tied the knot, then her chosen one will be provided with everything. And attention and care. She will not bother him too much, but rather take care of the house. Her children are always well-groomed and trained in the best educational institutions. The family and her home are role models for many.

She tries to find a common language with all members of her family, and at the same time she can raise a child herself. She will not tolerate humiliation and insults from a man, it is easier for her to answer for everything herself than to endure the nagging of a weak, weak-willed husband.

Often she seeks to control all family affairs, which causes indignation of her soulmate. At the same time, she passionately loves her man. Ready to create romance for him every day. Many envy their family, because, it rests on the fragile shoulders of a woman who is always in a good mood and always supportive of others.

The husband does not have a soul in Madina, because she is a wonderful mother, wife and lover. Medina may have several children, while she will try to pay attention to each of them equally.

Excerpt in communication allows her to establish a wonderful relationship with her husband's family. She cooks great, always glad to guests. Moreover, she has so many friends that she will not disappear in a foreign city without a map, she will just call one of her friends and ask for help. She herself is always open to conversation and gives attention to everyone who needs it.

Madina is not worth crossing the road. She will not throw a scandal, she will just do it her own way, and at the same time she will remember the offense for a long time. She does not forgive betrayal, therefore her husband who cheated on her will be excluded from the family and children. Man will no longer succeed in gaining her trust. With such a principle, it is open and merciful to people.


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