Geishas and the secrets of their seduction that will help you too


What associations does Japan cause? Blooming sakura, tea ceremony or samurai? Everyone has their own answer, but the image of a geisha is familiar to almost everyone. These women have long been of interest, both among men and women. Their method of seduction works unquestioningly. There is a misconception that these women provide carnal pleasures for money. Japanese culture is too versatile for everything to be so simple.

Geisha is the embodiment of the elegance and diversity of Japanese traditions, their understanding of female beauty. In schools, they are taught not to seduce men, but primarily to attract them.

The Japanese beauty knows how to carry on a conversation, to be a skilled housewife and an attractive girl.

To do this, you need to learn a lot: know history, psychology, etiquette. What kind of geisha is she? What makes her attractive and what secrets does she know? We will talk about this in this article.

Japanese culture is conservative. Men from diapers are instilled a sense of duty to their family, country, etc. It is clear that one cannot do without rest here. For this, evenings were arranged where geisha came at a special invitation: attractive, brilliantly educated and educated. Communicating, the geisha behaved with restraint and friendly.

Often the direction of the conversation was chosen by the woman herself, correctly asking questions and allowing the man to speak.

One of the most valuable qualities of geishas is to make the client relax, and sometimes laugh heartily. A joyful woman, ready to listen and cheer up, will always be surrounded by male attention. This is one of the main points of the secrets of seduction.

By modern standards, geisha look unusual, and sometimes even strange. For Japan, the whitened face and intricate hairstyle are considered the ideal of beauty. To maintain their image, women daily allocate about 4-5 hours of time for this.

Apply special sets of cosmetics, which include: whitening powder, lipstick, persistent eyeliner and mascara.

As for hairstyles, modern geishas use wigs, but there are ones that make hairstyles on a daily basis themselves. The appearance of these women is perfect, but few people know how much effort is behind it.

Conversation is an art that is beyond the power of everyone. To support the conversation, it is necessary not only to be in the know about the sciences, but also to master special psychology techniques. Calm tone, politeness, compliments - all this perfectly affects self-esteem. Next to such a woman, a man is ready for anything.

An elegant gait amazes many.

Special shoes on a wooden platform move the center of gravity when walking, which allows them to walk quietly and with small steps.

Moving, geisha give the impression of fragility, defenselessness. These women want to protect and preserve.

Whatever the geisha does, grace is present in all her movements. With the help of hands alone, Japanese beauties were able to fascinate a man. For example: when a woman needs to get a thing from the table, she pressed her elbow to her body. This technique creates the illusion of "short" hands, which is considered very attractive in Japan. This is only one technique, and there are thousands of them. A true geisha should be calm, friendly, courteous, follow etiquette. These qualities are highly valued by men.

There have been times when dignitaries made lovers among geishas. But at events, their relationship did not go beyond decency. Women never talked about their skills in bed, but only subtly hinted at it, creating an intimate atmosphere.

Another important point is that a geisha looks only like a doll in a traditional outfit. In fact, this is not so at all. Wars, climatic conditions endowed Japanese women with endurance, practicality and a strong will. Japanese geisha is not only a beautiful and smart conversationalist, but also a reliable person, which is why they were often married after meeting.

Since ancient times, when young girls fell into the school of excellence, they were taught a different art: dancing, singing, cooking. Be sure to study the game on the lute, flute - in case the client wants to please his hearing. True, guests from other countries did not always understand singing and dancing, but for the inhabitants of Japan this is the pinnacle of art. A true geisha knew all that a woman needed; you won’t take her by surprise, which captivates and captivates many hearts.

In past centuries, an effective technique was developed to seduce men. It is still relevant.

Secrets of a geisha:

  1. These girls are always in a good mood, sincerely rejoice in all the details: sunrise, flower aroma, touch of silk. Not a single trifle of beauty escapes their vigilant gaze. Communicating with them, the man relaxes, feels joy and satisfaction.
  2. From the first lessons, geishas know that almost all of their actions should be accompanied by a smile. As for the gaze, the eyelids must be kept half-empty. Before speaking, women were taught to think. Agree, a very important and rare skill in our time.
  3. Not only listen, but also hear. Japanese geishas knew how to do this, so the men extolled them, deified them.
  4. To win over a man, the girls repeated his gestures and facial expressions. This technique operates on a subconscious level.

It’s difficult to be a geisha, but you can and should approach the ideal.

It is enough to apply the following rules:

  • devote time to your appearance and health;
  • to be friendly;
  • follow etiquette;
  • find your favorite pastime;
  • study;
  • buy only quality clothes and shoes;
  • set goals and achieve them.

The Japanese proverb says: "A wife for home, a prostitute for sex, and a geisha for the soul." A woman is able to embody any qualities in herself. One has only to make an effort and the man will forever be at her feet.


Watch the video: 10 INCREDIBLE TRUTH about Japan's Geishas (June 2024).