Lemon sauce is an aromatic addition! Simple recipes for lemon sauces for meat, fish, vegetables, sweets and salads


Lemon is not only an aromatic citrus, but also a universal additive.

Its sour taste combines equally well with sweet, salty, spicy dishes.

Sauces based on this citrus are spicy, whet the appetite and are able to improve any, even the simplest dish.

Lemon Sauce - General Cooking Principles

For sauces, juice and zest are usually used, the pulp is added very rarely. Citrus seeds are always removed., so when grinding gives the filling an unpleasant taste. Squeeze the juice can be manually or through a juicer. But usually not much is used for the sauce, so it is easier to simply cut the citrus in half and squeeze it alternately with your hands. So that nothing extra gets into the gas station, you can strain the juice through a strainer. Peel the peel off with a thin layer with a knife or a fine grater. For hygienic purposes, citrus should be well washed with a brush, you can pour boiling water over it.

Sauce may also include:

• Butter. Vegetable oil is commonly used for lemon sauce. It is better to take olive, unrefined. But you can also use sunflower.

• Honey and sugar. They are also frequent ingredients of the sauce, can replace each other, give the dressing a softer taste.

• Spices. Usually it is various types of pepper, salt, coriander, oregano. Give the taste.

• Garlic. It goes well with lemon, is added in purified and crushed form, the amount can be changed to your liking.

• Sour cream, cream, yogurt. Give saturation, density of gas stations. A great alternative to mayonnaise, and in addition to other ingredients, it benefits in taste.

Greens are also often added to lemon sauce. It gives not only taste, aroma, color, but also serves as a kind of thickener. Most lemon dressings are quite liquid, and finely chopped leaves fix it.

For mixing lemon sauces, you can use a mixer, blender or a regular spoon. If some ingredients need to grind, then the easiest way is to immediately prepare the dressing in the blender bowl. Store the finished product in a tightly closed jar, no more than 3 days, preferably in the refrigerator. Some sauces may have a shelf life of several weeks, but the aroma and taste will suffer over time, so it is best to cook in small quantities fresh dressing.

Recipe 1: Honey-lemon meat sauce

Perfect with pork, beef, lamb, rabbit and any bird. To make this lemon sauce, you need liquid honey. But you can use candied, preheating in a water bath or simply in a bowl with hot water. It is undesirable to do this in a microwave oven, since the product is unevenly heated, and high temperatures destroy the beneficial substances contained in honey.


• 1 part honey;

• 6 parts oil;

• 3 parts of lemon juice;

• to taste spices, greens.


1. Put honey in a bowl, add lemon juice and grind it well together.

2. We pour out spices, it is possible to use simply salt with pepper. But if you want, you can add any spices. All is well ground for dissolving, in oil it is more difficult to do.

3. Add the oil and mix again, you can whisk everything together in a blender. To taste we pour the crushed greens.

Recipe 2: Sauce with lemon juice for fresh salads

Most often, lemon sauce is used for dressing Caesar salad, but it is also wonderfully combined with any vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, leafy cabbage, and cabbage, pepper. There are various recipes for preparing such sauces, we will cook on the basis of eggs. It is important that they are of high quality and fresh, as they undergo only partial heat treatment.


• half citrus;

• 2 testicles;

• a teaspoon of honey and mustard;

• clove of garlic, salt;

• 40 ml of unrefined olive oil.


1. Put the eggs in water, bring to a boil and boil for 40-50 seconds. We take out and ship under cold water.

2. From the cooled eggs, carefully remove the protein with the yolk, send it to the blender bowl.

3. Add salt, spices, garlic, honey and mustard. Beat the mortgaged ingredients until smooth, you need to clove the garlic clove. If the blender is of weak capacity, it is possible to chop the lobule previously into small pieces or grate.

4. Squeeze the juice out of half citrus, add to the sauce and mix again.

5. At the last stage, add the butter and interrupt the sauce for another minute.

Recipe 3: Lemon Sauce with Garlic for Fish

Spicy, saturated, moderately sour lemon sauce will ennoble any fish dish. It is wonderfully combined with fried, baked fish, and also gives a special taste and zest to ordinary boiled carcasses in water or steamed.


• 5 cloves of garlic;

• half a lemon;

• a small bunch of parsley;

• 2 spoons of butter;

• salt and black pepper.


1. Crush garlic cloves, this can be done in any convenient way: with a knife, grater or press.

2. Add salt, ground pepper and mix.

3. Remove the half of citrus zest, add to garlic, grind.

4. There, squeeze the juice and pour in vegetable oil.

5. Finely chop the parsley, rub it with your hands so that it loses its volume and gives the juice. We connect with the total mass, mix and you can water the fish! The same sauce can be filled with boiled rice, served as a side dish.

Recipe 4: Lemon Sauce for Sweet Salads

Very often for sweet fruit salad salads use cream, sour cream, creams and other rather fatty foods. In fact, fresh fruits and berries can be seasoned with lemon sauces, which are much easier and perfectly complement the dessert. Thanks to the incoming starch, the mass learns quite thick, does not flow to the bottom of the salad bowl.


• lemon;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• pinch of cinnamon;

• spoon of starch.


1. Remove the zest from the citrus, cut it into slices and remove the bones. We put everything in a saucepan.

2. Add 300 ml of water, boil for 2-3 minutes after boiling, filter, pour 50 ml and cool, and put the rest on the stove again.

3. Put sugar in a saucepan, cinnamon and bring to a boil.

4. Dissolve the starch in a portion of chilled lemon decoction and add it to the boiling syrup. Bring to a boil all together and immediately turn off. Cool sauce, use in salads and any other sweet dishes.

Recipe 5: Greek and Olive-Lemon Sauce with Oregano

This lemon sauce in Greece is used for salads, main dishes and cold appetizers, it goes well with fish and seafood. You will need rigani for cooking - special greens of oregano But due to its shortage, you can cook with dried spice, which can be purchased at any store. And for density, you can add another greenery, which is found in the house.


• 100 ml of oil, it is better to use real olive;

• 2 small lemon or one large;

• 1 teaspoon oregano;

• Pinch of salt and pepper.


1. Squeeze the juice from citrus, mix with spices and oregano.

2. Pour the oil, mix everything. To taste and color, you can add any chopped herbs: cilantro, parsley, dill, basil.

Recipe 6: Lemon Cream Sauce for Sweet Baking

Great for casseroles, fruit pies, biscuits, muffins, pancakes and any other baking. Lemon sauce is cooked on cream, with fat content not less than 33%. You will also need fresh and boiled yolk. The amount of sugar can be changed to your liking.


• one raw and boiled yolk;

• 70 gr. powdered sugar;

• ½ lemon;

• 100 ml of cream.


1. Put together raw and boiled yolk, rub until smooth.

2. Add juice squeezed from half a lemon, mix. To taste, you can also add chopped zest, the flavor will be more pronounced.

3. Beat cream with a mixer into the foam, gradually introduce the icing sugar. You can also use sand, but in this case the process will take a bit longer, since sugar dissolves in fat cream for a long time.

4. Put lemon mixture in the whipped cream, mix gently, you can beat a few seconds and you're done.

Recipe 7: Thick lemon sauce for fresh salads on yogurt.

Very often, when dressing salads, housewives prefer sour cream or mayonnaise precisely because they are perfectly kept on products and do not drain to the bottom. But there is a delicious, healthy and thick lemon sauce based on yogurt, which also envelops every piece and leaf and does not accumulate at the bottom of the salad bowl. It can be cooked with or without dried zest, the taste is different.


• a glass of natural yogurt;

• lemon ½ pieces;

• a spoonful of mustard and honey;

• spices;

• to taste garlic.


1. Mash the mustard with honey in a bowl for the sauce.

2. With lemon, remove the zest, grind, squeeze the juice. All add to the mustard with honey, mash together.

3. Add yogurt, chopped garlic and spices. All mix well and try. If you do not have enough spiciness, you can add more garlic, mustard or pepper.

Recipe 8: Lemon Sauce for Shrimp and Other Seafood

Seafood in itself is delicious, especially if supplemented with a delicate lemon sauce. It can be served separately or poured over the dish. The sauce is quite spicy and spicy. You can vary the amount and type of spices to your taste, but garlic and pepper must be present.


• lemon;

• chili peppers;

• two cloves of garlic;

• spoon of sugar;

• 60 ml of oil;

• pinch of coriander;

• a piece of ginger.


1. Pour the oil into the pan and put on the stove.

2. Peel the garlic, cut into several pieces and send to the pan.

3. After a minute, add the sliced ​​hot pepper. Anyone who does not like very spicy dishes, can use half a pod.

4. There we also add the cut piece of ginger.

5. Keep on fire a couple of minutes and shoot. Cool, lay in a blender.

6. Add lemon juice from one citrus, you can with a peel. Pour coriander, salt, put sugar and beat the mixture until smooth.

Recipe 9: Lemon Soy Sauce for Rolls, Rice

Sushi and rolls are most often served with regular soy sauce, which is not for everyone. Another thing - lemon sauce, which is great for any dishes with rice, with the exception of sweet. A recipe for a basic soy and lemon sauce.


• 30 ml of lemon juice;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• 50 gr. Sahara;

• 120 gr. water.

To taste, you can add chopped garlic, zest, greens, red or black pepper to the basic recipe.


1. Boil water with sugar added to it for a minute, cool it.

2. Pour in soy sauce, lemon juice, mix and everything can be used.

Recipe 10: Lemon Sauce on Sour Cream with Dill

Universal salad dressing, great for chicken, meat, fish, rice and pasta. It will help out if the home has run out of mayonnaise or butter.


• half citrus;

• 150 ml sour cream;

• fresh dill;

• on a pinch of sugar and salt, pepper.


1. Squeeze lemon juice, mix with sour cream.

2. Add sugar, pepper, salt. Stir.

3. Dill greens washed in water, dried, finely chopped and sent to the gas station. The sauce is ready!

Lemon Sauce - Tips and Tricks

• To give the lemon a good juice, you can hold it for a few minutes in hot water, then rub your hands well, cut it in half and squeeze.

• Zest can be harvested in advance. To do this, it is removed, crushed and dried. You can also wrap in plastic wrap and put it in the freezer. And always at hand will be flavored additive for sauces, meat, fish, sweet dishes and drinks. And you can add such a zest to vodka, let it stand for a week and the usual drink will acquire a new taste.

• Never throw away the citrus pulp remaining after squeezing the juice. With it, you can brew tea, add compote, syrup when cooking, use in the preparation of candied fruits, jam, marmalade.

• If you are not satisfied with the color of lemon sauce, then it can always be changed. For tinting using turmeric, carrot or beet juice, soy sauce, chopped greens.


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